Usually the last thing new car buyers think about when picking out a vehicle to buy is car insurance. Often they are sitting in the finance manager’s office when the question about car insurance arises. At that point, if the car buyer already has continuous insurance coverage on a different car, they just have to call customer service and add the vehicle and have the agent fax proof of insurance.
However, if the car buyer is a first time car owner and has not been listed on an insurance policy as an owner or driver, he or she will be starting off with high-risk insurance.
In either case, it is wise to take a moment to search free car insurance quotes. If there is no way to do it right then in the car dealership office, then buy temporary insurance there and go home and spend a little time searching free car insurance quotes.
For a Car Buyer with Previous Insurance
If you already have insurance, the quickest way to exit the dealership is to add the vehicle to your existing policy. Ask for an estimate of the difference in premium and make a note of it. You can either do a little searching as soon as you get home, or you can wait until you get your new declarations page showing your new policy, coverage, and premium.
At that point, you can then do fast, free car insurance quotes online and make some comparisons. You will want to ensure that you have the same or more liability protection on your free car insurance quotes and the same deductibles. Match up the options as best as you can.
Once you get a few comparison quotes and you find one that is much better, take that quote and customize it further. Increase your liability for financial protection and see the difference with dropping down your Comprehensive deductible. You could very well end up with a better plan of protection and lower deductibles and still save money.
For a Car Buyer with No Previous Insurance
First and foremost, you will want to take the time to be absolutely sure that no one has you listed on their current insurance policy. Very often, parents will leave grown children on their policy in case they come visit and use the car. If you have a roommate, he or she might have been required to list you as a driver on their policy. Always check this first; if you find continuous insurance protection for a minimum of six months, you could potentially cut your insurance costs in half.
That said, if you are a brand new insured person, you will be paying a higher rate initially until you establish insurance history. Do your very best to keep your driving record clean so you can quickly qualify for lower risk policies. Start with referral websites where you can fill out one form and get multiple companies’ quotes and find one that is cheapest.
That said, if you are a brand new insured person, you will be paying a higher rate initially until you establish insurance history. Do your very best to keep your driving record clean so you can quickly qualify for lower risk policies. Start with referral websites where you can fill out one form and get multiple companies’ quotes and find one that is cheapest.
You may need to start off with high deductibles and low liability protection for the first six months. When you are within three weeks of your six-month renewal, go back online for free car insurance quotes and note that you will have six months coverage. Adjust the “effective” date to be the same date as your last date on the current insurance policy.
If you do this every six months along with increasing your liability protection, it will be a very short time when you will be charged premiums as a low-risk/highly responsible insured. For current insured’s, you can always check to be sure you are paying the best rate for your coverage needs.